2014, Number 3
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Correo Científico Médico 2014; 18 (3)
Behaviors and knowledge on sexual and reproductive health in adolescents
Montalvo MAE
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 283.79 Kb.
Introduction: the adolescents´ sexual behavior and reproductive terms are very sensitive to the influences of social facts and have relation with the own perception of psychological well-being. The adolescence is considered a very complex stage of frequently changes which determine the future life.
Objective: to establish the knowledge and behaviors on sexual health, in adolescence.
Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in three urban junior level schools of Bayamo municipality during 2011-2012 school year. The data were processed though the statistical package EPIDAT version 3.1. A sample of adolescents, object of the study, was selected by applying a stratified randomized sampling. The school grade was used is a variable stratification. To stablish the meaning of association between variables quantitative or qualitative descriptively, chi square test was used with 95 % of confidence.
Results: the age group between 13-14 years (65.4 %, females) predominated. The main results, showed 94.7 % of them represented the most frequent and recurrent IST as well as the contraceptives used to prevent the illnesses mentioned before and pregnancy in this age.
Conclusions: the adolescents´ knowledge is adequate and corresponds with their behaviors. The role played by the family in the adolescents´ sexual education is widely shown and it may be stated that a considerable group of them obtained information about this subject from their parents or other close relatives.
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