2011, Number 3
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Rev Cub Gen 2011; 5 (3)
Etiologic, clinical and genetic characterization of major disabilities in the Plurinational State of Bolivia
Taboada LN, Bravo TO, Licea RMA, Acosta CO, Pérez EO, Díaz SR, Rodríguez VLJ, González TKA, Morales CN
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 70-77
PDF size: 510.00 Kb.
Disability is a complex issue of great social and economic
impact, about which there is a lack of reliable data in most
countries. Epidemiological studies are scarce and imprecise,
hence, work on policies and programs related to disability
are based on estimated data and, at times, turn out to be quite
far from the reality of those countries. Lack of prevention
and early detection programs occasionally impedes either
preventing disability or its worsening. Furthermore, the
lack of specialized assistance available to all people has
detrimental effects for persons with disabilities in most
developing countries. An observational, descriptive, crosssectional
study was performed, where 82 087 people with
physical, auditory, visual, mental, visceral or multiple
disabilities were included, previously identified during the
house to house national screening, in the clinical-genetic
psychosocial study, carried out in the Plurinational State of
Bolivia by the ALBA Solidarity Mission “Moto Méndez”.
A low prevalence rate of disability was found in the country,
with a higher incidence of cases with physical disability
and hearing impairment, in females and in persons 60 years
old or more. Postnatal etiology prevailed, and within this
etiologic group, non-systemic diseases and accidents were
the most frequent causes.
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