2012, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2012; 11 (1)
Assessment of the mortality prognosis by the APACHE II and IV severity rates
Peña QAE, Chang CA, Pardo NAB, Tamargo BTO, Jiménez PR
Language: Spanish
References: 57
Page: 2334-2357
PDF size: 485.00 Kb.
Introduction: The prognostic systems are tools that if are rationally used they overcome the individual experience of any physician, applying to clinical criterion but without to take its place, a necessary order of priorities, depth and statistic objectivity for medical and administrative decisions-making, any prognostic system may be taking into account as something finished, thus it is essential to assess its performance in a real time. The original prognosis is continuously fitted over the time, changing the decisions based on these predictions.
Objectives: To validate the use of new prognostic models of mortality based on the APACHE II and IV severity scores.
Methods: A retrospective and cohort study was conducted in 507 patients admitted in the intensive care unit of the Hermanos Ameijeiras” Clinical Surgical University Hospital; prognosis was established by multiple logistic regression, verifying the calibration of models by Hosmer Lemeshow’ test and the mortality standardized ratio; discrimination was achieved from the characteristic functional curves of the recipient.
Results: The variables with greater influence on mortality were APACHE II and IV severity scores. In general, the models achieved calibration by some method and all had an excellent discrimination. There were not significant differences in the prognosis of the APACHE II and APACHE IV models.
Conclusions: All the forms validated its prognostic usefulness in the ICU compared with those used at world scale.
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