2012, Number 4
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CorSalud 2012; 4 (4)
Treatment levels and hypertension control at the Turcios Lima polyclinic
Naranjo DAA, González AA, Rodríguez NYÁ, Aroche AR
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 254-260
PDF size: 158.19 Kb.
Introduction and objective: Pharmacological control of hypertension is an essential component in the stra-tegy for the control of cardiovascular diseases. The purpose of this research was to determine the current control rate of hypertension in the population receiving care at the medical office Nº 18 belonging to Turcios Lima Polyclinic, in Pinar del Rio municipality.
Method: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed, the population consisted of 1589 patients over 15 years old, and the sample of 504 patients who were selected by stratified probability sampling.
Results: A hypertension prevalence of 21.2% was found, which was greater in males. A control rate of 45 per 100 patients receiving therapy was calculated and a control rate of 65.3% among those treated. 42.3% of the population has a moderate cardiovascular risk of suffering a cardiovascular event in the next 10 years.
Conclusions: A control level of high blood pressure higher than what has been previously reported in population studies conducted in other countries was obtained. This disease is better controlled in female patients. As for the overall cardiovascular risk, the moderate category was prevalent followed by the low risk, without underestimating the population classified as high risk.
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