2014, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2014; 11 (2)
Risk factors and prevalence of the acute confusional syndrome on elders at medical emergencies
Crespo DF, Castellón LR, Cárdenas AAS, Saavedra CA
Language: Spanish
References: 46
PDF size: 139.48 Kb.
Introduction: the Acute Confusional Syndrome is a health problem that affects to elders and it is associated to a major mortality, hospital stay and cost to the Health System.
Objective: to determine the prevalence of the acute Confusional syndrome and the rushing and tending factors for its appearance in elder patients admitted at Internal Medicine Service.
Methods: a descriptive study was done to all the patients older than 60 years that were admitted at Emergencies’ from Dr. Miguel Enriquez University Hospital, during the period January–December, 2013. It was used the Confusion Assessment Method as instrument for the diagnosis of delirium and the main etiologies and risk factors were identified.
Results: Delirium was present in .5% of the patients mainly among the patients with 75 to 89
years old; prevailing the comorbidity and the polymedication and between the trigger factors the
infections and hydroelectrolitic disorders.
Conclusions: the Acute Confusional Syndrome was a health problem on the elder patient patients admitted at Emergencies.
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