2014, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2014; 11 (2)
Older´s qualitive of life and rehabilitation at Havana´s Psychiatric Hospital
Bestard RAC
Language: Spanish
References: 26
PDF size: 158.75 Kb.
Introduction: Contemporary society is aging so fast. The elderly population with psychiatric
disorders is also increasing. Hence it is essential to promote the rehabilitation that allows
patients to make their contribution to society.
Objectives: To evaluate the reliability of the scale BELS overlooking assess the impact of
rehabilitation and social support in schizophrenic patients.
Methods: A study with a sample of 77 elderly patients in long-stay wards of the Psychiatric
Hospital of Havana Commander Dr. Eduardo Bernabé Ordaz Ducungé was performed. The survey
instruments were empelados (BELS). The kappa index was used to assess the reliability of the
Results: The kappa opportunity scale values were obtained by averaging 0791 and 0743 in
execution. They showed a strong concordance of almost perfect 80% of the items of the scale of
opportunity and 90% of the performance scale. Of the subjects, 47% were able to fit 47%, 45%
achieved individual accomplishments and 8% failed adaptation.
Conclusions: The impact of rehabilitation and social support of the elderly hospitalized with
major mental disorders, yields positive results in terms of their social clinical evaluation.
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