2010, Number 3
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Rev Cub Gen 2010; 4 (3)
Efficiency of the Prenatal Cytogenetic Diagnosis subprogram in Havana City in the period 2005-2006
Martínez de Santelices CA, Rizo LD, Amor OMT, Fuentes SLE
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 49-53
PDF size: 271.07 Kb.
This paper resumes the main results of the project Evaluation
of the Efficiency of the Prenatal Cytogenetic Diagnosis
in Havana City, finished in 2006. The program was aimed
at the detection of the organizational deficiencies of the
subprogram, detecting and comparing the differences in organizational
principles and deficiencies in the subprogram
execution in all municipalities of Havana City province.
Topics referring to the behavior of indication criteria and
the fetal cytogenetic diagnosis were studied in depth, considering
the importance of the risk of cromosomopathies
detection in the population. Prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis
was indicated in all municipalities mainly to pregnants having
38 to 41 years old. Normal results were obtained for
86,7% of the pregnants having the diagnosis done, while
2,3 % had positive results and in 50 pregnants (3,8%) this
result was not conclusive.
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