2014, Number 4
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2014; 13 (4)
Complete and continuous care to young people with retinosis pigmentary
Hernández BRA, Copello NM, Ramos GEA, Bueno AY, Cid VB, Dyce GB
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 623-638
PDF size: 151.57 Kb.
Introduction: youth is the period of life between the 20 and 24 years of age, but it
goes up to the 35 years of age socially. This period can also mark the onset or the
progression of an incurable, chronic eye disease such a Retinitis pigmentary.
Objective: to present the outcome of comprehensive, continuous care of young
people suffering Retinitis pigmentary.
Material and Methods: observational and prospective investigation on the
application of a model of integrative medicine in the Retinitis Pigmentary Reference
National Center among 2000 to 2013. Thirty-one young people, both sexes,
between the ages of 19 years old and 34 years old were studied. They have taken
part in the activities of a program of comprehensive care and educational
intervention using a biological-psychological-social approach. By means of interconsultations,
individual and parental interviews and group activities carried out
every six months to increase the effectiveness of their social insertion and personal
Results: 21 youths (67, 7%) in intermediate and advanced stage of the illness
they arrived to the low vision, 51.6 % of the youth studied reached university level,
93.5 % has an active job and 32.2 % present psychological impact of the ailment.
91, 9 % of the patients and their families support this comprehensiveinterdisciplinary
Conclusions: the comprehensive and interdisciplinary continuous care, an
educational intervention and personalized counseling encourage young people to
completely develop their abilities and a healthy lifestyle. It also makes easier to
consolidate a sound relationship among the multidisciplinary team, the patient and
the family who complements the clinical therapy for improving the quality of life.
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