2014, Number 4
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2014; 13 (4)
Suggestions for developing writing in the English lessons
Saborit LH, Texidor PR, Portuondo FN
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 605-611
PDF size: 63.35 Kb.
Introduction: writing is one of the four basic linguistic skills in learning a foreign
language. However, its teaching has always been relegated to a second place.
Objective: to make some suggestions to develop writing in the English lessons.
Material and Methods: bliography and documents on the topic were reviewed
which allowed us to gather the desired information.
Development: the English language, as a discipline of general training, should
develop a comprehensive personality in the students, which involves the capacity of
thinking, reasoning, deducing and acting in a creative way in the use of the English
language. For this, the student needs to develop, in an integrated way, the
linguistic and communicative skills written and orally as well.
Conclusions: the teaching of writing should be stimulated since the elementary
level of communicative competence in order to develop a good writing in the
students. It is suggested that the teacher includes among his/her teaching
strategies, the process of writing and reflects on the importance of its use in the
classroom. Besides, it is recommended to focus on this topic that is closely related
to the achievement of the communicative competence.
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