2014, Number 08
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2014; 82 (08)
Posterior tibial nerve stimulation for pelvic floor dysfunction. Review
Sucar-Romero S, Escobar-del Barco L, Rodríguez-Colorado S, Gorbea-Chávez V
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 535-546
PDF size: 505.59 Kb.
Pelvic floor dysfunction is a highly prevalent functional pathology that
affects women and can present with different clinical symptoms that
include urinary urgency with or without incontinence, diurnal and
nocturnal frequency, urinary retention, fecal incontinence, obstructive
defecation, sexual dysfunction and pelvic pain.
Lately, concern arised as to offer patients an advanced therapy within
an integral approach. This interest was first focused in sacral nerve root
modulation, a key element for pelvic function.
Neuromodulation is considered a normal characteristic of the nervous
system that regulates or modifies the electric impulses that come from
different nervous body tissues. Neuromodulation is carried out through
sacral neurostimulation (SNS), posterior tibial nerve stimulation (PNTS),
which are reversible non destructive therapies used for peripheric stimulation
of nerves, ganglia, spinal medula and brain.
Even though there is evidence of efficacy for sacral nerve stimulation
at short, medium and long term, there are two main concerns within
this approach: invasivity and high cost. It seems posterior nerve tibial
stimulation has the same neuromodulatory effect as the one obtained
by sacral nerve stimulation through a less invasive route and lower cost.
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