2014, Number 07
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MediSan 2014; 18 (07)
Usefulness of vasoactive drugs in the obstetric patient in critical state
Nápoles MD
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 102-116
PDF size: 265.08 Kb.
The obstetric patient in critical state due to certain disorders can be treated with
vasoactive drugs and demands a special care by the obstetrician. With this literature
review the aim was to make known the clinical entities which require the administration
of these drugs in obstetrics, among them: embolism of the amniotic fluid, the septic
shock, the lung thromboembolism and blood loss, with persistence of the hemodynamic
unsteadiness after the appropriate replacement of volume. Equally, the doses are
checked as well as the effect of each medication, according to the receptors they
stimulate and their possible harmful reactions. The patient in critical state can attend
any hospital institution and, in many cases due to the emergency of the situation, it can
be necessary the use of the vasoactive substances outside of the intensive care units, so
it is necessary that the obstetricians get to know such knowledge.
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