2014, Number 07
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MediSan 2014; 18 (07)
Characterization of patients infected by Helicobacter pylori during a triennium
Fernández DJ, Tacher RV, García CME, Caro FMT, Álvarez GOM
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 951-956
PDF size: 88.65 Kb.
A descriptive and retrospective investigation of the patients older than 18 years to whom
an endoscopy of the higher digestive duct was practiced in the Gastroenterology Service
from "Simón Bolívar" People’s Clinic Hospital, in Carabobo State, Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela was carried out in the period of January, 2010 to December, 2012, aimed at
checking if there was infection due to
Helicobacter pylori in this zone of the digestive
system, according to some clinical, epidemiological and endoscopic variables of interest.
Among the excellent results of the case material there was the infection caused by this
bacteria which was more frequent in the 31-60 years age group and in the female sex;
also, the epigastralgia and the erosive erythematous pangastritis were mostly associated
with the microorganism. It could be concluded that the endoscopy is the key stone for
the diagnosis of
Helicobacter pylori.
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