2012, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2012; 3 (2)
Papel de los servicios médicos en la prevención comunitaria ante situaciones de desastres
Mendoza RH, Martinez IJ, Gibert LMP
Language: Spanish
References: 16
PDF size: 95.82 Kb.
The current tendencies of the focus on the handling of health before a disaster, it transforms the preparation of the answer into a necessity of a vital importance, so that the communities should be qualified in the phase of Planning before the disasters. The objective is to highlight the paper of the medical services in disaster situations. One carries out a descriptive observational study, through an exhaustive bibliographical revision that will allow to elevate the level of the population's information, to transform it into rescuer in situations of disasters. It was emphasized in the activities guided especially to the regions of Thorax and Abdomen that are carried out fundamentally in the primary attention of health. The Triage was explained, identifying the lesions as for its priority of attention and to the medical evacuation of those affected, so that it is completed in this first level of attendance a logical sequence. This work will constitute a guide so that the professionals of the health prepare to the communities in the activities of first aids, endorsed by the fact that in situations of disasters they pass from object to active fellow in the confrontation to the same ones.
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