2014, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2014; 22 (2)
Respuestas emocionales de las mujeres que viven con diabetes mellitus tipo 2
Ledesma-Delgado ME, Oros-Elizarraras E, Ávila-Sansores GM, Ruvalcaba-Palacios G
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 85-92
PDF size: 186.70 Kb.
Introduction: living with diabetes is an experience that requires radical and permanent changes in
your lifestyle, with consequences in their personal, family, labour and economic field, that have a
significant effect on their feelings, desires, beliefs and attitudes toward self-care.
Objective: to describe and understand the emotional responses of women with type 2 diabetes
mellitus, from the meanings attributed to the process of living with this disease.
Methodology: qualitative study of 28 women with type 2 diabetes mellitus belonging to four communities in Irapuato, Guanajuato, who was a semi-structured interview. The information was interpreted
in the framework of the symbolic interactionism and the grounded theory.
Results: obtained the central category “living a complicated progressive wear and experience
different emotions”, with six subcategories: experimentation of the discomforts of the disease
on daily life, resignation to the proximity of death, sense of well-being from the acceptance of
the condition ofillness, concern focused on children from the ravages of the disease, uncertainty
treatment to the ignorance and beliefs about disease and experimentation of multiple feelings at
the implications.
Conclusions: the emotional responses of women living with type 2 diabetes mellitus showed the
intersubjectivity of their experiences and the social process with their interactions. For women
with diabetes, living with the disease is a complicated experience, progressive wear, coated emotions that determine its behavior toward self-care.
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