2014, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2014; 22 (2)
Adaptación fisiológica en personas con antecedente heredofamiliar de diabetes mellitus tipo 2
Jiménez-León RA, Hernández-López C, Nava-Navarro V, Báez-Hernández FJ
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 81-84
PDF size: 179.84 Kb.
Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is defined as a group of metabolic diseases characterized by
high blood sugar; its development is mainly associated with the hereditary familial antecedent and
little or no physical activity. The importance of this phenomenon can be sized from the theoretical
model of generating behavior of health of Callista Roy adaptation.
Objective: To describe the response of physiological adaptation by means of physical activity in
people with type 2 diabetes mellitus heredofamilial history.
Methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive study which included an initial sample of 65 people.
To determine the ratio of 0.5, a permissible error of 0.1 and a 99 % sample size, obtained a final
sample of 46 subjects size. A certi fi cate of general data and the International Physical Activity
Questionnaire were used to collect the data.
Results: 52 % of the participants showed physiological adaptation which resulted in vigorous physical
activity (
f = 24), 41 % in moderate activity (
f = 19) and 6 % in uplift ing the health acti vity (
f = 3).
Conclusions: The physiological adaptation through physical activity moderate to vigorous in people
with a hereditary history of type 2 diabetes mellitus coincided with that recorded in other
studies. Nursing professional should start from this circumstance for the construction of programs
to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
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