2014, Number 4
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Rev Med MD 2014; 5.6 (4)
The efficacy and safety of probiotics in premature infants
García-Morales E, Angulo-Castellanos E, Carrillo-Ruvalcaba SA, López-Varela MG, López-Altamirano D, Valera-Sarmiento C, Rodríguez-García AI
Language: Spanish
References: 74
Page: 238-247
PDF size: 615.34 Kb.
The use of probiotics is emerging as a new alternative in the prevention of certain diseases and mortality in premature
infants. However, there are still doubts about the effectiveness and most of all, the safety of its administration in this
vulnerable population group. Current scientific evidence can greatly support the effectiveness of probiotics in the
prevention of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis, neonatal sepsis, neonatal mortality and feeding intolerance in
premature infants. However, in relation to safety there is still much to analyze on future research especially in newborns
with extremely low birth weight. We must make an individualized assessment and weigh the risk/benefit of the
administration of probiotics, e.g. premature lacking the human milk feeding is to be considered as having high risk of
developing neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis and hence, a candidate for probiotic supplementation. There are still
unresolved questions regarding the best strain to use, dosage and method of administration, in addition to the
assessment of long-term results. However, based on current scientific evidence, we consider the administration of
probiotics as useful in this type of high-risk patients.
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