2014, Number 4
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2014; 52 (4)
Quality of life related to oral health in older people. Evaluation instruments
Velázquez-Olmedo LB, Ortíz-Barrios LB, Cervantes-Velazquez A, Cárdenas-Bahena Á, García-Peña C, Sánchez-García S
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 448-456
PDF size: 202.06 Kb.
Given that life expectancy has increased considerably due to medical
and technological advances, in recent years researchers have decided
to meet the specifi c needs of the elderly in order to provide them better
health care, in view of the fact that the aging process generates physical,
biological and social changes. On the basis of this knowledge it becomes
evident the impact of general health and oral health quality of life, which
usually has a negative impact. Consequently, the aim of this work is to
provide researchers and clinicians a review of the instruments that have
been used for evaluation of the quality of life related to oral health. These
instruments are the Oral Health Impact Profi le (OHIP), the Oral Impacts
on Daily Performances (OIDP) and the General Oral Health Assessment
Index (GOHAI). Supplementary to the explanation of these instruments,
our aim is to describe their structure, assessment, validation and application
in studies performed on elderly Mexicans. In addition to this, we review
some of the reports that compare the usefulness of those instruments.
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