2014, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2014; 40 (3)
Empowerment as a health strategy for the communities
Acuña GIM, Guevara RH, Flores SM
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 353-361
PDF size: 90.92 Kb.
Introduction: there is a wide range of social and cultural factors that determine
not only the selection but also the consumption and use of food; hence the changes
related with feeding are social changes.
Objective: to address the empowerment of a community as a health strategy in
food culture.
Methods: the qualitative critical/dialectical approach was used as methodology and
the research-action as working method. The work was carried out in the community
of "Jose Ignacio Acevedo" sector in Los Guayos municipality, Carabobo State, from
August 2011 through July 2013.
Results: the health situation of the community was identified, and as a result, it
was necessary to start growing cultures at home and within the community in order
to encourage the change of feeding habits of the community into more healthy ones
by adding vegetables and fruits to the regular food, products that were not
previously consumed in adequate amounts by this population on a regular basis.
Sharing the cultivation experiences, the products and the community spaces has
also generated a favorable socialization process for better coexistence and broader
Conclusions: empowerment of a community in terms of food culture is only
possible with the active participation of all its members that can play a leading role
in the health preservation and recovery as well as in achieving a better quality of
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