2014, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2014; 30 (1)
Characterization of hypertensive patients older than 18 years from medical practice 3 at 'Ana Betancourt' Polyclinic
Hernández VLM, Pérez MVT, de la Vega PT, Alfonso MOA, Quijano JE
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 59-70
PDF size: 177.22 Kb.
Introduction: Hypertension is a multi-factorial disease that is a global health
Objective: To characterize the clinical and epidemiological features, the current
status of hypertension in patients older than 18 years from the family medical
practice number 3 at Ana Betancourt Polyclinic, in Playa municipality.
Methods: 64 hypertensive patients were the sample. They underwent control queries
and they answered a questionnaire exploring variables such as individual risk factors
associated with the disease, co-morbidity, level of patient information about this
illness, current antihypertensive treatment, its implementation and the level of control
achieved by each patient.
Results: Hypertension was predominant in the elderly, in females (68.75%), in black
race patients (60.93%), majored from junior high (34.37%), and no employment
(54.69%). Obesity was the most common co-morbid disorder (28.13%). Family
history of hypertension was identified (67,19%) as the individual risk factor that most
influenced in this disease. 57.81% use a combination regimen of antihypertensive
drugs, diuretics were the most used (71.88%). 42.19% broke the indicated
treatment. The level of information about the disease was insufficient in 68.75%. Only
53.1% (n = 30) keeps their disease controlled.
Conclusions: heredity was the main individual risk factor. A directly proportional
relationship between the control of hypertension, medication compliance and patient
level information about their disease was demonstrated.
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