2014, Number 609
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2014; 71 (609)
Consideraciones generales de la radioterápia en los tumores cerebrales pediátricos
Rodríguez RC, Orozco CA, Liu WYC
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 165-171
PDF size: 179.18 Kb.
Brain tumors are the second
most common cancer and
the leading cause of death
according to the surveillance,
epidemiology and survival
in this population per year,
with a slight predominance
in males. Brain tumors are
classified according to their
histological types. The 40 % are
infratentorial, supratentorial,
54% and 6% are located
in the medulla. Diagnosis
is made with CT and MRI
and treatment primarily
is surgery or radiotherapy
and oncology treatment if
necessary. Radiotherapy is
providing different modalities
in the treatment for many
children with central nervous
system tumors and recent
improvements in technology
and treatment planning of
radiotherapy offer significant
opportunities for major
therapeutic benefits of a high
probability of long-term
survival with a significant risk
reduction in the development of
complications in the short and
long term in pediatric patients.
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