2014, Number 4
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2014; 57 (4)
2007-2010 change the prevalence of risk factors for chronic disease in students Abstract
Alvear-Galindo MG, Yamamoto-Kimura LT, Morán-Alvarez C, Rodríguez PÁ, Fernández VMH, Solís-Torres C
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 5-13
PDF size: 376.19 Kb.
Introduction: To design strategies of prevention, control and
treatment of chronicnon transmissible diseases in students,
it’s necessary to know the behavior of these and the risk
factors to which they are exposed.
Objective: To compare the changes in the prevalence of risks
of chronic diseases in students of the National Autonomous
Universisty of Mexico (Universidad Autónoma de México
[UNAM]) as they make their way from high school to college.
Material and methods: Information from the survey of integral
valorization of health that the General Board of Medical
Services carried in 2007 and 2010 was compared. The information
regarded alcohol and tobacco consumption, physical
and sports activity, somatometric changes and the presence of
high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, cancer and overweight
in the students and their direct family.
Results: 593 students participated, 69.6 were women. The BMS
changed in three years from 22.3 to 23.4 (P‹0.001) in men and
from 22.1 to 22.8 (P‹0.001) in women. The frequency of high
blood pressure changed from 1.54 to 1.69%, the alcohol and
tobacco consumption was increased in three years, 32 and 7.6%
respectively. Men resulted to be more physically active than
women. (P‹0.05); in three years the practice of soccer decreased
in 21.7% and the practice of running 23%. In family members
the prevalence of high blood pressure increased from 24.1 to
30.4%; obesity from 27.6 to 31.3% and diabetes mellitus type 2
from 12.8 to 16.2% with P‹0.01. Alcohol consumption from 11.4
to 13.3% and tobacco consumption from 24.5 to 24.9%.
Conclusions: The increase in risk factors in students and the
chronic diseases in their family members indicate a higher
risk profile. This is the reason why it is important to promote
healthy conducts and to form the youth as agents of change
so they can have influence in the reduction of damage in
them and their family members.
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