2013, Number 2
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Cuba y Salud 2013; 8 (2)
Impact on family functioning of post-stroke motor disability in older adult
Guerrero AA, Aranda CC
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 20-25
PDF size: 2132.14 Kb.
Objective: To determine an association between families with an older adult with disabling stroke and family dysfunction.
Method: A case control study was carried out in fourth doctor’s offices lied on San Agustin, La Lisa. The sample consisted of families who had only one older adult (N=481). It were collected variables related with the family and the older adult through the information stored in the updated family records and direct interview. The case group
was composed of families who had an older adult with disabling stroke (n1=51) and control group by the remaining
families (n2=430). Z and Χ
2 tests were used and also Odds Ratio test to compare the variables. The criterion for statistical significance was p ‹ 0,05.
Results: There was a significant difference between the two groups according to family functioning (z=6,31;
p ‹ 0,001). There was a significant association between the presence of an older adult with disabling stroke and family functioning so that the percentage of dysfunctional families in the case group was significantly higher than the percent of functional families in the same group (x
2=38,8; p ‹ 0.001). Families with an older adult with disabling stroke have a higher risk of becoming dysfunctional than those who do not (CI 3,42-13,1; OR=6.67, α=0.05).
Conclusions: The presence of an older adult with disabling stroke is associated with family dysfunction and it also behaves as a risk factor for dysfunction in this population.
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