2013, Number 2
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Cuba y Salud 2013; 8 (2)
Nutritional state of the pregnant woman and its repercussion on lipidograms during pregnancy
Cardellá RLL, Valdés MJ, Gómez ÁAM, Hernández FML
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 15-19
PDF size: 1385.70 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the repercussion on the lipid profile of the pregnant woman´s nutritional state at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy.
Method: 88 pregnant women from Center Havana municipality were studied and distributed according to their weight: 49 with normal weight(controls), 29 overweighing and 11 underweighing. At the beginning and in the third quarter of pregnancy, the lipid variables were determined: triacyglycerol, total cholesterol, cholesterol fractions, high, low and very low density lipoproteins and cholesterol index. Values were compared among pregnant women with normal weight by analyzing the difference of related medians and among the different groups by using KrusKal-Wallis non-parametric method. Data were processed using the SPSS 12, 5.
Results: Differences were found statistically significant in the pregnant women with normal weight for all the variables analyzed. It was shown a remarkable increase of all variables in the overweighing women, except for high density lipoproteins which decreased (p ≤ 0,001). At the end of gestation 40 of those women with normal weight maintained their nutritional state and nine of them got worse; one out of the underweighing pregnant women improved her nutritional situation, whereas, 11 of the overweighing women kept their same condition and 5 became obese.
Conclusions: The increase of all lipidogram’s lipid fractions was found in the pregnant women studied but high density lipoproteins decreased. The changes in overweighing pregnant women were greater so at the end of pregnancy some
of them were obese.
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