2013, Number 2
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Cuba y Salud 2013; 8 (2)
The endemic goiter in the Europe of great painters from the Renaissance and Baroque periods
Peña PD, Peña LD
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 31-40
PDF size: 1980.62 Kb.
Objective: To demonstrate through the life and work of great painters the high prevalence of endemic goiter in Europe
when the mentioned works were created.
Development: The goiter is the enlargement of the thyroid gland being its main cause the deficit of iodine in the diet, due to the scarceness of this element in nature. The endemic goiter is a lacking disease which has been evident in Europe since ancient times. Yet, currently, it is one of major health problems in numerous regions of this continent. During the Renaissance knowledge about anatomy was increased, also the possibilities of drawing and painting with the development of perspectives and other techniques, making the neck representation reliable. The works of significant realism showed the available models’ details including the goiter if they had it. Great painters, who made their work in the areas with endemic goiter, transferred the disease to panels, walls and canvas. The advance of the medical sciences, the arrival of photography and the change towards less figurative artistic styles, made goiter representation decline in paintings.
Conclusions: Through the life and work of great painters, who lived in the XV and XVIII centuries, the high goiter prevalence can be appreciated in Italy, France, Spain, the Netherlands, the German principalities and other areas of the European continent at that period.
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