2012, Number S1
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Mul Med 2012; 16 (S1)
Antibacterial effect of plants from the Cuban Flora in Granma
Difurnó LJL, de la Paz LC, Frías TJA, Ocaña RJ, Ramírez CR
Language: Spanish
References: 13
PDF size: 149.86 Kb.
The goal of many researchers has always been to get that Cuban population makes proper use of the phytopharmacs rigorously studied. Therefore, the current study evaluated the antimicrobial activity
in vitro of the aqueous vegetable extracts obtained from vegetable species:
Jatropha aethiopica Muell arg., Pteris vittata l., l. and cylindrical
Luffa Turnera ulmifolia l., with the objective to establish patterns of minimal inhibitory concertation, minimal microcid concentration and their microcid and microstatic behavior due to the presence of
the ECA
S. aureus strain control ATCC 25923. The extracts of
Pteris vittata L and
Luffa cylindrical l. from ECA
Staphyloccocus aureus ATCC 25923 showed MCI of 1,562-3,125%, 3,125% MCM and EF Microcid for the fern mean while it was Microstatic for
Luffa. The extract of
Jatropha aethiopica Muell-Arg showed 0,781
MCI-1,562%, MCM of 1,562%, and EF Microcid with the same strain. The MCI of
Turnera ulmifolia l. was 0,195-0,390%, 0,390% MCM and EF Microstatic with these wild strains.
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