2012, Number 2
Importance of physical exercise in the health of older adults
Language: Spanish
References: 26
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The elderly increase generating aging population and new social biomedical necessities, for what was carried out a bibliographical revision with the objective of to elevate the level of knowledge and to sensitize the personnel of health about the importance of the physical exercise in the state of health of the biggest adult. This activity constitutes an economic and invaluable since via to improve the problems that are presented with but frequency in this group, making special emphasis in the necessity of generalize the creation of community spaces where you can carry out this activity, and mainly the incorporation of bigger numbers of old men to systematic practices of physical exercise. We searched bibliographies of Cuban literature published in Infomed (Health Telematics Network in Cuba), including texts, full of books and journal articles. It was revised in the database Cumed (Cuban authors) and the electronic library SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) including a selected collection of Cuban scientific journals in all areas of knowledge. We conclude that exercise positively influences the health of the elderly.REFERENCES
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