2012, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2012; 4 (2)
Cardiovascular rehabilitation in patients with acute myocardial infarction in convalescence phase
Peñate BJB, Solís PD, Ríos GM, García PG
Language: Spanish
References: 22
PDF size: 169.99 Kb.
Introduction: the results are exposed with the use program of cardiovascular rehabilitation in 35 patients with the diagnosis of cardiovascular of sharp infarct of the myocardial in convalescence phase, remitted to the integral service of rehabilitation José Jacinto Milanés.
Objective: to determine the utility of a rehabilitation program in patient with sharp infarct of the myocardial in convalescence phase.
Method: it was carried out an explanatory study to all the patients, in a first stage, was picked up information about demographic social variables, results of the test precocious ergométrica carried out to the patients and the test of Goldberg was applied to measure them pressure and anxiety. Later on it was put in practice a program of cardiovascular rehabilitation that included education sanitary psicosocial and physical exercise for 12 weeks, carried out a final evaluation to determine the utility of the treatment. It was applied the test of the signs, considering significant the values of p smaller than 0, 05.
Results: were obtained modifications of the coronary factors of risk, highlighting the sedentarismo, it diminished the depression and the anxiety and all the parameters evaluated by the test ergométrica they showed marked improvement after having concluded the treatment in 88,6% of the patients.
Conclusions: the use of a program of cardiovascular rehabilitation in patient with the diagnosis of sharp infarct of the myocardial in convalescence phase was useful in most of the patients' treaties.
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