2012, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2012; 4 (2)
Usefulness of ozone therapy intrarticular at the osteoarthritis of knee associated a synovitis
Cuéllar RCT, Santos DD, Colunga FJL, Pérez ZM, Bravo AT, Zuáznabar VMC, Zayas PJ
Language: Spanish
References: 26
PDF size: 199.43 Kb.
Objective: to determine the utility of the ozonoterapia intraarticular in the knee osteoartrosis associated to sinovitis.
Method: he/she was carried out an explanatory, quasi experimental, longitudinal and prospective study, in 50 patients with diagnostic clinical and radiological of knee
osteoartrosis with associate sinovitis that went to the consultation of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Educational Policlínico «Ana Betancourt» to which were
carried out ecografía in the «Hospital Fructuoso Rodríguez» from january 1º, 2010 to may 31, 2011. As only treatment to all the patients were carried out infiltrations intraarticulares with ozone, twice per week for a total of 20 treatment sessions. To evaluate the results of the treatment it was applied the Analogical Visual Scale of
Intensity of the Pain and functional Scale of WOMAC, carrying out the ecografía before and after the same one. The statistical prosecution: qualitative for descriptive methods and inferenciales. As summary measure stocking, standard deviation and percentages were used and for the identification of significant differences the X
2 was applied with a level of significance of 95 % and a value of error probability p ‹: 0,05.
Results: 48% was asymptomatic and 28 % taenia slight pain, 94 % passed to slight discapacidad and only the 76 % they presented slight sinovitis. The final evaluation of the patients studied between good and excellent.
Conclusions: subjective clinical improvement of the pain was obtained, with total absence of complications, what makes it a valid method in the solution of this problem of health.
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