2014, Number 3
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2014; 13 (3)
Articulate pain and their relationship with the occlusal interferences
Ruiseco PA, Llanes RM, Rodríguez COL, Rodríguez AA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 417-424
PDF size: 96.22 Kb.
Introduction: the pain is one of the causes that carry on higher number of patient to consult, appearing in occasions like main symptom of certain dental affections such as those related with the pain to articulate.
Objective: to determine the presence of occlusal interferences in patient with pain at the temporomandibular joint during mandible movements.
Material and method: was carried out a transversal and descriptive study, from December 2009 to December 2010. The sample was make up by 100 patients with diagnostic of pain in the temporomandibular joint area whom was indicated the occlusal study.
Results: from the whole sample of the study 93% presented occlusal interferences, the highest percentage of patients presented interferences were located in non working area during the lateral movements and protrusion, and 85% of patient showed line interferences of closing.
Conclusions: the highest number of patients presented occlusal interferences, located mainly in area of don't work, the canine lateral function was the most affected one. High percentage presented interferences on the closing line and the highest amount were located in the group molar.
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