2014, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2014; 25 (3)
Consensus process in mental models and its application to agile software development in bioinformatics
Pérez TK, Leyva VMY, Estrada SV
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 317-331
PDF size: 343.72 Kb.
Fuzzy cognitive maps have proven useful to represent both individual and group mental models. When dealing with problems such as the analysis of complex systems or decision making, it is usually advisable to perform a consensus process allowing to achieve mutual agreement between the members of the team. In this paper a model is developed for consensus processes in mental models with the use of fuzzy cognitive maps and computing with words, based on the 2-tuple linguistic representation model. The model is shown graphically and a description is provided of its main activities. A study case is presented which has to do with software development for bioinformatics.
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