2014, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2014; 25 (3)
Knowledge audit aimed at core processes in a biomedical area: a case study
Salas GG, Ponjuán DG
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 303-316
PDF size: 410.86 Kb.
Objective: By means of a knowledge audit, identify the knowledge existing in the core processes at the Medical Biophysics Center.
Methods: A knowledge audit was conducted aimed at core processes at the Center, based on the methodology developed by Dr. Alonso Pérez Soltero et al. The variables selected were strategic criteria, core processes, and the technical and scientific personnel involved in research projects. The study was based on questionnaires and interviews with participants in projects included in the
processes. Results were reported descriptively.
Results: A characterization was conducted of the personnel involved in the main processes at the institution, and an overview was provided of their knowledge, skills, competencies and lacks concerning the knowledge required to perform their tasks.
Conclusions: It was confirmed that the methodology employed is useful to characterize the knowledge involved in core processes. Criteria are proposed to improve the performance of core processes at the Medical Biophysics Center.
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