2014, Number 3
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Salud Mental 2014; 37 (3)
Validación en México del inventario de ajuste de Weinberger (WAI)
Romo GT, Enríquez-Hernández CB, Hernández PMR, Ruiz MME, Castillo RL, Ehrenzweig SY, Marván ML, Larralde C
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 247-253
PDF size: 249.93 Kb.
The inability to control emotional outbursts and the excessive inhibition
of emotions are associated with a variety of personal and interpersonal
problems, psychological disorders and health status. Weinberger
developed an inventory to assesses two central aspects of socio-emotional
adjustment: the subjective experience of distress and restraint.
As the inventory was in English, we decided to translate it into Spanish
and validated it in a population of Spanish-speaking Mexicans.
The revised Spanish WAI was applied to 452 participants using the
same Likert scale used in the English WAI, in which each answer was
given a score of five points. The participants were adults (over 18
years) of either sex with a minimum educational level of high school.
After analyzing the discriminatory power of the questions by the method
of extreme groups and factor analysis by principal components
analysis, the Spanish WAI was composed of 44 items, which were
divided into four factors: 1. Restraint, which grouped together a total of
19 questions, which explained 18.68% of the variance, 2. Subjective
experience of distress, consisting of 12 questions, which accounted
for 10.84% of the variance, 3. Defensiveness, consisting of seven
questions that explained 7.10% of the variance, and 4. Consideration
for Others, which grouped six questions that explained 6.54% of the
variance. Finally, we assessed the reliability of the questionnaire using
Cronbach’s alpha as follows: Restraint 0.89, Subjective experience of
distress 0.84, Defensiveness 0.69, and Consideration for others 0.74.
Weinberger’s Inventory is a useful instrument to assess restraint as an
important aspect of emotional distress of individuals, and to measure
the magnitude of restraint in a population, and thus allowing preventive
and therapeutic actions in cases that deserve it.
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