2014, Number 3
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Salud Mental 2014; 37 (3)
Colaboración científica en drogodependencias entre Latino América y la Unión Europea (2001-2010) a partir de la ISI Web of Science
Ribeiro SD, Vidal-Infer A, Bolaños-Pizarro M, Aleixandre-Benavent R, Bueno CFJ, Valderrama-Zurián JC
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 205-216
PDF size: 981.69 Kb.
The importance of collaboration among research groups in the drug
abuse field has been increasingly reinforced. These collaborations consolidate
the scientific activity and guarantee the improvement of methods
and outcomes. This study aims at analyzing the collaboration networks on
drug abuse between Latin American and European countries by means
of applying bibliometric methods and collaboration networks analysis.
The search was conducted through the Science Citation Index Expanded
and Social Sciences Citation Index from ISI Web of Science data
base. A total of 228 articles were found by using a specific drug abuse
search strategy during the period 2001-2010. Articles belonging to
WOS categories non-related to health sciences were excluded.
The European country with the higher amount of collaborative articles
was Spain (n=69) and Brazil was the Latin American country (n=73).
United States of America had an active role in the collaboration networks
(n=85). The most productive institution and author were from
Mexico. The collaborative work between Latin America and Europe has
increased from 2001 (n=4) to 2010 (n=50). The collaboration networks
analysis showed that Spain and Brazil (n=27) as well as Spain and Colombia
(n=23) were the countries with the highest joint production.
The last decade has seen a significant increase in the scientific collaboration
between Latin American and European in drug addiction
studies, where Brazil and Mexico stand out in Latin American countries,
as well as Spain and Italy in Europe. The role of the United
States leadership in international research networks is emphazided
and identified, occupying an intermediary role in the collaboration
between different countries and continents.
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