2014, Number 2
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Acta Med Cent 2014; 8 (2)
Malignant melanoma with brain metastases
Martín PY, Pérez FD, Betancourt PA
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 75-80
PDF size: 151.99 Kb.
Malignant melanoma is a neoplasia of high aggressiveness, with great tendency to metastasize. Metastatic melanoma is considered an incurable disease; early diagnosis and treatment are the only strategies to improve prognosis in patients with this disease. The case of a patient who came to the Emergency Department at “Arnaldo Milian Castro” Surgical Clinic Hospital in Santa Clara, with neurological symptoms, for which a consultation was requested with a the Dermatology Specialist by the presence of a lesion presented in skin; underwent the diagnosis of malignant melanoma with brain metastases.
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