2014, Number 3
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Rev Méd Electrón 2014; 36 (3)
Presence of malnutrition risk factors in diabetic centenarians
Pimienta SA, Massip NJ, Valdés VA, Massip NT
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 273-289
PDF size: 226.50 Kb.
Background: studying centenarians is the best way to understand the successful longevity and to establish a successful aging model, but it is also the study of the history of their contributions, challenges and triumphs. The nutritional status of diabetic centenarians was assessed and, there also were explored selected variables related with the disease and malnutrition risk factors.
Methods: it was carried out a descriptive cross-sectional study, studying body mass index, dental problems, low incomes, immobility, polypharmacotherapy, cognitive impairment, smoking and alcoholic consumption in 35 diabetic centenarians of La Habana province. Media and standard deviation were calculated.
Results: women predominated over men; centenarians were distributed according to age between 100 and 104 years. Diabetic centenarians showed no impairment of their nutritional status for dental problems, low incomes or polypharmacotherapy, but their nutritional status was harmed for cognitive impairment, disability and alcohol consumption.
Conclusions: diabetic centenarians showed disabilities for their daily activities, alcohol consumption, cognitive impairment and malnutrition. For the last parameter, it was found a statistically significant association with calf circumference. The rest of the studied malnutrition risk factors had no involvement in the nutritional status of diabetic centenarians.
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