2014, Number 1
Community-based early care of children with neurodevelopment retardation
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 5-17
PDF size: 142.76 Kb.
Objective: to determine the progress of patients with neurodevelopment retardation, who are attended to in the community-based early care program of Habana Vieja municipality.Methods: a prospective assessment research study of the community-based early care program in Habana Vieja municipality was conducted from 1998 to 2008. The universe of study was 170 patients with neurodevelopment retardation, who were referred to the multidisciplinary medical team by their family physicians, in order to be evaluated through clinical exams and standardized scales. After each evaluation, an individual stimulation program was applied to them by rehabilitation specialists and phoniatricians of their polyclinics and at home. Frequency summary, percentages and chi-square test were used for statistical purposes.
Results: the patients were initially evaluated as deficient both in the mental and motor areas (55.29 % and 57.64 %, respectively). The final evaluation showed a significant rise of normal evaluation percentages (mental: X2= 58.50; p= 0.00001; motor: X2= 73.06; p= 0.00001). The affected patients associated to perinatal illnesses had satisfactory recovery as to overcome (24.75 %) and favorable (43.78 %) categories. It was significant that patients with a history of neonatal sepsis progressed unfavorably ((X2= 18.90; p= 0.00001). One third of patients with low birthweight progressed in a static and severe way (19.23/16 %).
Conclusions: the results of the community-based early care program proved that there was some improvement in the neurodevelopment of most of the patients after the treatment.
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