2005, Number 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2005; 43 (5)
Clinical Guidelines for the Prevention of Falls in Elderly People
González-Carmona B, López-Roldán VM, Trujillo-de los Santos S, Escobar-Rodríguez AD, Valeriano-Ocampo J, Sosa-HJM, García-Juárez A, García-Peña MC, Michaus-Romero F, Hernández-Leyva B, Guzmán-González JM
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 425-441
PDF size: 398.06 Kb.
Demographic changes in our population are focusing on the health providers to prevent or minimize functional impairments resulting from the various chronic and multiple illnesses to which the elderly are prone. Because of that, we developed strategies that can help us to take decisions in order to identify the risk factors, and to prescribe preventive and rehabilitation programs. With this background, we organized an expert team to develop this guideline with evidence based on medicine methodology, and focus on the first level treatment prescribed by the general practitioner, with the participation of the health team and the support networks.
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