2012, Number 4
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Mul Med 2012; 16 (4)
Effectiveness of Pitt index in the prognosis of nosocomial bacteremias in the severe patient
González PJA
Language: Spanish
References: 14
PDF size: 149.12 Kb.
It was performed an open cohort study in 100 patients with nosocomial bacteremia diagnosis, hospitalized in the Polyvalent Intensive Care Unit (UCI) of the University General Hospital Carlos Manuel de Cespedes of Bayamo in Granma, in the period from July 1rst, 2010 until July 31,
2012, with the aim to evaluate the efficiency of the bacteremia Pitt index in order to predict the death for this disease. The index was applied for everyone the same day of the extraction of the hemoculture. In the univariated analysis the relative risk to die is almost more than
eight times when having equal numbers or more than 8.5 points (RR 8,15 IC95% 1,50- 44,05) and the model of logistical regression showed a probability to die approximatedly to 100% from the point eight. The
area under the receptor curve of operation characteristic to predict the probability to die (Curve ROC) was about 0,992 IC 95% 0,954- 0,992. It was concluded that the index of Pitt bacteremia was useful for the prognosis evaluation of the nosocomial bacteremias in the Intensive Care Units taken 5 points or more.
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