2014, Number 1
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TIP Rev Esp Cienc Quim Biol 2014; 17 (1)
Fumonisinas –síntesis y Función en la interacción Fusarium verticillioides-maíz
de la Torre-Hernández ME, Sánchez-Rangel D, Galeana-Sánchez E, Plasencia-de la Parra J
Language: Spanish
References: 105
Page: 77-91
PDF size: 420.73 Kb.
Fusarium verticillioides is the main fungal pathogen that affects the productivity of maize worldwide. The
fungus penetrates the plant by different routes and infects roots, stem and cob. The pathogen produces
several toxins in tissue and corn kernels, which affect their quality. Fumonisins are the major toxins produced
by this fungus. The ability to produce them depends on the presence of several genes encoding the
enzymes responsible for biosynthesis. The regulation of the synthesis is very complex and depends on
environmental and nutritional factors, as well as multiple signaling pathways. This is reflected by the high
variability in fumonisin production among
F. verticillioides strains. Fumonisins are virulence factors because
their production is associated with a greater capacity to infect maize seedlings. However, this role is not
clear for ear infection and rotting. In maize, fumonisins have three molecular targets: sphinganine
plasma membrane proton ATPase and the basic β-1,3-glucanases. These three enzymes
have important physiological functions and also participate in the plant defense response against fungal
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