2014, Number 1
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TIP Rev Esp Cienc Quim Biol 2014; 17 (1)
Sistema de humedales artificiales para el control de la eutroficación del lago del Bosque de San Juan de aragón
Luna-Pabello VM, Aburto-Castañeda S
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 32-55
PDF size: 1681.61 Kb.
The lake of Bosque de San Juan de Aragón (LBSJA, for its Spanish acronym), occupies a 12 hectare area.
The lake is eutrophicated due to an activated sludge system, known as "Tlacos", that carries partially
treated water into the lake and contains nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations that trigger the growth
of microalgae. In this study, we describe relevant aspects of the design, construction and operational start
of a treatment system based on artificial wetlands (AWs ) built in the LBSJA. The AWs occupies an area of
about one hectare; it was designed to purify an average of 250 m
-1 of water. The system consists of a
limestone aggregate filter, a settler, a subsurface flow artificial wetland (SSFAW), a surface flow artificial
wetland (SFAW), and a gabion wall filter. Water that feeds the system comes from both the conventional
treatment plant of "Tlacos" (WWTP-Tlacos) and that contained in the lake itself. Our results show an 80%
reduction of contaminant content. The later represents a superior quality than that established in the
environmental standards for treated water from water bodies used for recreational purposes.
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