2011, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2011; 2 (3)
Efectividad de la reorganización mecánica en el mejoramiento de la funcionalidad del raquis cervical
Laborde DD, Stewart LG
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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He/she was carried out an analytic study, prospective in patient with mechanical dysfunctions of the cervical column in the service of physiotherapy of the polyclinic "Abel Santamaría" (Hill, Havana) between December/2006 and march/2007; with the objective of valuing the effectiveness of the technique of cervical mechanical reorganization (RMC) in the improvement of the functionality of the cervical rachis. The universe was constituted by 96 patients with mechanical dysfunctions of the cervical column that were divided aleatorily in two groups of 48: one to receive treatment postural with the technique of RMC and the other one with the technique of Carriers (TC). The magnitude of the change pos therapy was determined by test of Mcnemar and Chi
Demographic variables were explored, as well as pain, mobility to articulate and improvement of affections of the belt scapula-humeral before and after the therapy. They were mainly in both groups women (36.5% and 31.3%, respectively) among 45 - 59 years, fundamentally for cervicalgia (40,6%) and osteoartrosis (24,6%), being several qualities of effectiveness in the reduction of the pain (94% for RMC and 52% for TC) and the affectation of the mobility to articulate (92% for RMC and 12% for TC).
You concluded that the cervical mechanical reorganization had a significant effectiveness in the improvement of the functionality of the cervical rachis, and he/she went superior to the technique of Carriers in the relief of the sintomatologycal.
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