2011, Number 3
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CorSalud 2011; 3 (3)
Diagnostic assessment of precordial pain in the emergency department of the Integrated Diagnostic Center Fuerte Tiuna, Venezuela
Santos PA, Valero HA, Lage LL, Negrín VT
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 167-174
PDF size: 142.32 Kb.
Introduction and objective: Patients with chest pain represent a significant proportion of all acute medical hospitalizations. The fundamental problem is determining whether the origin is cardiac or not. The situations are often complicated, and although the characteristic of the pain is important, it is not enough to differentiate between ischemic and non-ischemic chest pain. The aim of this research was to determine the behavior of precordial pain in the emergency department of the Integrated Diagnostic Center of Fuerte Tiuna, Venezuela, between June 2005 and July 2008.
Method: An observational, descriptive and longitudinal study was performed. The sample consisted of 101 patients over 14 years old who reported precordial pain as the reason for consultation.
Results: The most affected age group were those aged over 60 years, with a higher incidence in females and a predominance of the combination of several coronary risk factors mainly dyslipidemia and hypertension. Most patients had typical precordial pain and more than one electrocardiographic finding. Most of the sample evolved into unstable angina. Gastrointestinal disorders and pain of undetermined origin were the main causes of non-coronary pain.
Conclusions: ischemic chest pain was a frequent reason for consultation, which validates the importance of Diagnostic Centers for the care and initial stratification of patients who come to them.
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