2011, Number 3
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CorSalud 2011; 3 (3)
Anesthetic management in hypertensive patients in urgent need of surgery
González MM, Sunderland TN, García CS
Language: Spanish
References: 51
Page: 134-148
PDF size: 270.03 Kb.
Introduction and Objectives: The increase in hypertension in recent years has had an effect on the large number of hypertensive surgical patients scheduled for emergency surgery. The purpose of this research was to implement a protocol for the treatment and control of hypertensive patients in this type of surgery.
Method: A comparative study in hypertensive patients scheduled for emergency surgery was designed. 100 patients, divided into two groups were studied. Group I, consisted of patients who received 25 mg of sublingual captopril, 30 minutes before the surgical procedure, and Group II, was formed by those who did not receive it. The response variables were systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart rate on arrival in the operating room and during surgery.
Results: There was a greater perioperative hemodynamic stability in group I. Intraoperative complications appeared in 30 % of patients in the first group and in 66 % in the second group. In the postoperative period, 26 % of patients had complications in group I and 52% in group II. These differences were statistically significant p ‹ 0,05.
Conclusions: the advantages, benefits and hemodynamic stability were demonstrated, when hypertensive patients, scheduled for emergency surgery, come to the operating room with high blood pressure, and sublingual captopril is administered 30 minutes before surgery.
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