2012, Number 3
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Cuba y Salud 2012; 7 (3)
Book review: Human biochemistry for nursing
Cardellá RLL, Hernández FR
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 42-44
PDF size: 706.27 Kb.
This work describes the content and the methodological aspects that characterize the biochemistry textbook
developed for nursing students in Cuba. The book consists of one volume that includes 15 chapters, a total
of 318 pages. Each chapter is structured with a brief introduction, the development of the topic with the
corresponding illustrations, formulas, models, graphics and tables; a summary and practical theoretic exercises.
The contents are presented taking into account the mental thought process of learning as a sequence of ordered
algorithms, from the common to the diverse, offering an intrinsic route for its adequate understanding. The tie
to the clinical basis is fundamental for this type of student and is maintained throughout the entire text.
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