2012, Number 3
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Cuba y Salud 2012; 7 (3)
Euthanasia vs. the right to live
Báez RAM, Ayala QA, Ortega PM, Gómez PJ
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 20-27
PDF size: 776.26 Kb.
Objective: To analyze the euthanasia from an ethical point of view and its historical evolution taking into account time periods and regions of the world.
Development: Euthanasia is a controversial topic, every society is different, because of this problems that surround human beings are confronted and solved in diverse ways, complex webs with different points of departure, thus
for many it contrasts the ethics of the right to live on behalf of the patient. The first great civilizations of humanity were characterized by the worship of the dead in which conceptions and logical explanations of their reality
accompanied this historical period. In the last century capitalism comes to be, in this context the term euthanasia
is introduced for the first time. In contemporary society their exists two large groups: the defenders, who consider
euthanasia to be a dignified end for terminally ill patients that suffer and anguish, presenting it as help for a good
death; and the opponents, who defend the right to live and argue that nothing and no one can authorize the death
of an innocent human being.
Conclusions: The definition of euthanasia arises in the modern age, in the 17th century, in the framework of
capitalism. Religious, ideological, legal and ethical considerations influence the positions taken with regard to
euthanasia, an inconclusive debate amongst those interested in the topic. Ethical and cultural questions arise with
strong arguments coming from those who defend not using this practice.
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