2013, Number 1
Uretroplastia dorsal con mucosa prepucial
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 39-52
PDF size: 490.15 Kb.
Introduction: Urethral reconstructive surgery is in continuous development searching the best option for this treatment. There are several modalities of tissue transfer like oral mucosa, prepucial mucosa and retro-auricular skin. Our team has experience in the use of oral mucosa graft, in this article we show our experience with prepucial mucosa graft in the treatment of urethral strictures using the Barbagli technique. Objective: To show the results of Dorsal Urethroplasty in Barbagli technique using prepucial mucosal graft. Methods: We reviewed a first 14 patients to whom we performed the Dorsal Urethroplasty Barbagli Technique using prepucial mucosa from July 2009 to November 2011. Preoperative evaluation included anamnesis, physical exploration, retrograde and miccional cistourethoragraphy, urine culture; urodynamic studies weren't available. Results: The average length of stenosis was 5.2 cm. more frequently found in bulbar urethra. Two patients had post-operatory erection pain (14,3%). One patient had post-operatory re-stenosis (7.2%). The successful rate was 92.8% in 20 months of follow-up. Conclusions: Dorsal Urethroplasty Barbagli technique using mucosal and prepucial skin is another choice in the surgical treatment of urethral strictures, easy to learn and perform with good results in short follow-ups in any place of anterior urethral stenosis.REFERENCES
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