2014, Number 3
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2014; 52 (3)
Potential conflicts of interest in biomedical publications
García-Vigil JL
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 296-300
PDF size: 45.92 Kb.
In human communication and personal relations, there is the possibility
of dissent and have a conflict related to the perception or acceptance of
the content of a message. To reach an agreement, it is important that
the communication between people is horizontal and bidirectional while
the issue is being discussed, in order to bring together the interlocutors’
expectations and interests. In the administration of services and goods,
friendship and nepotism have been the most frequent forms of potential
conflicts of interest. These behaviors arise when a person, like a civil
servant or employee, feels influenced by personal considerations when
he is doing his work and when he is making decisions. The confl ict of
perceived interested can be so harmful to the reputation and confidence
of an organization, as the real existence of a conflict of interest. In some
countries, the law obliges organisms to have codes of ethics that cover
these aspects. Thus, it is desirable the incorporation of ethical principles
and “moral competences” in the curricula of health professionals. Actually,
in medicine and biomedical investigation, conflicts of interest are a
condition related to clinicians and researchers, who distort their results
and work to obtain personal or financial benefits. In the generation and
transmission of knowledge, the circumstances determine if a conflict of
interest exists, not the methodology, either the results of the investigation,
not even the technology used on their diffusion.
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