2011, Number 3
The classic laryngeal mask use in emergency ventilation
Rondón AJ, García RR, Díaz GI, Solís CM
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 2217-2221
PDF size: 136.24 Kb.
Introduction: The airway difficult access is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. The laryngeal mask (LM) nowadays has a place in the general popularity becomes a less risky technique than the endotracheal intubation.Objectives: To establish the usefulness of LM in patients needing emergent oxygenation and ventilation in Centers of Integral Diagnoses of Venezuela.
Methods: A descriptive study was conducted in 20 patients needing mechanical ventilation due to a thoracic trauma. The patients aged younger than18 were excluded, those required a non-supine position and those with anatomical abnormalities of airways. The laryngeal mask was inserted previous intravenous administration of 0,1 mg/Kg midazolam and also a standard monitoring consisted of electrocardiogram, oxygen peripheral saturation, and capnography as well as a non-invasive method of monitoring of blood pressure.
Results: Oxygenation and ventilation using the laryngeal mask was achieved in the 97% of patients, only in three of them the achieved oxygenation was within the 90% and the 94%, requiring a deepening of consciousness state and repositioning of accessory.
Conclusions: The LM is an alternative that must be take into account for management of airways in patients needing emergent oxygenation and ventilation. The deepening of consciousness level using midazolam allows satisfactory results in oxygenation and ventilation using LM. The use of No. 4 and 5 masks promises to be of a greater closure than the No. 3 mask without a relative worsening of mask position into the glottis, being less frequent the gas leak around the airway.