2011, Number 3
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2011; 10 (3)
Different methods of nutritional assessment in severe patients underwent to invasive mechanical ventilation
Hernández PW, Jiménez PR, Parellada BJ, González GI, Amador AA
Language: Spanish
References: 55
Page: 2171-2189
PDF size: 299.98 Kb.
Introduction: The nutritional energetic malnutrition (NEM) is a problem specially recognized in high risk groups including the severe patients. It is important its identification at admission and also to determine which nutritional assessment method may to predict the patient’s course during its admission.
Objectives: To identify according diagnostic category, the presence of NEM with different methods and its association with the patient’s course underwent invasive mechanical ventilation.
Methods: Two hundred and twenty three patients admitted in the ICU of the “Dr. Luis Díaz Soto” Central Military Hospital underwent invasive mechanical ventilation. They were classified according to the diagnostic category and different methods were applied in the same group of patients including: Gassull, Chang, and Global Subjective Assessment (GSA), and Evanutric during the first 48 hours of admission. The nutritional status was related to morbidity and mortality, the hospital stay and of invasive mechanical ventilation time.
Results: Mortality rate was of 36,3 %. Chang’s (70,4 %) and Gassull (65,9 %) showed the greatest percentage of patients with NEM. In the case of the Evanutric’s methods (69,1 %) and the GSA, the percentage was minor (24,7 %). With the application of GSA in patients with a normal nutritional status the 20,4 % deceased and in those with NEM the 32,1 % deceased with a significant difference (p = 0,054).
Conclusions: NEM showed an association with the global mortality, a lengthy stay in ICU and the greatest time of MV were associated with NEM in the Trauma category. The association of NEM with the course of the patients underwent MV was determined by the method and the diagnostic category.
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