2014, Number 06
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2014; 82 (06)
Brenner Tumor: One case report and bibliographic review
Guerrero-Martínez E, Mateos-Vizcayno J, Huerta-Hentschel JM
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 415-419
PDF size: 345.15 Kb.
Brenner tumor is a rare tumor that represents approximately 1,5 %
of the tumors of ovary. It is defined as a tumor of transitional cells
composed by urothelial cells arranged in solid or cystic groups absorbed
in a fibrous stroma. It classifies in benign Brenner tumor (95
%), borderline (3-4%) and malignant (1%). Let’s sense beforehand the
clinical case of a 46-year-old patient who underwent surgery having an
adnexal mass of which the pathological intraoperative report brought
a benign Brenner tumor.
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